Construction Tracking – funds control

Construction Tracking – funds control

i-Loan is the perfect private money loan software combination for Loan Origination Software and Document Preparation App. A Windows database loan origination software (LOS) and loan document preparation application (doc prep app) developed to simplify the task of preparing, emailing or printing loan documents in-house for borrower, private investor and closing loan documents with over 250 professional looking loan documents that are specifically drafted for owner occupied properties, non-owner, business purpose loans, commercial properties, “rehab,” construction and HELOC mortgages.

Two versions of private money loan software available: i-Loan for California companies without the ability to edit the loan documents or create new ones but offered as Unit Usage model for small volume loan companies; and i-Loan PRO for Nationwide loan companies and attorneys with an unlimited number of loans. Both doc prep software app options include TRID, TILA, and GFE documents.

Please click here (i-Loan and i-Loan PRO) for Brochure.

Click here to Request a Web Demo.

Features and Benefits
Private Money Loan Software

Menu Options with Shortcuts for Easy Navigation
Simple interface for entering loan information in data screens and printing documents
Create sample loans, copy loan file to another, and template for quick 20 minute loan document creation
Data entry screes for fixed, step rate and adjustable rate loans
Databases for private lenders, brokers, appraisers, title and escrow companies, service providers
Automatic APR calculations

High Cost Mortgage
Higher Cost Mortgage
California Article 7 Loans

Cross Collateral Loans with multiple properties with multiple liens per property
Unlimited number of borrowers and investors per loan with automatic signature line creation
California mandated documents
FNMA 1003 and 1008 forms
Built-in over 250 loan documents easily selected from the printing menu with preferences for quick printing for Borrower, Lender and Closing
Built-in emailing of a single PDF for all loan documents in a loan
Built-in Calendar
Seamless interface with i-Servicing for importing a loan for servicing
Add-on documents include Construction, HELOC documents, Special Loan Servicing Agreements and Consumer Finance Lender (CFL) documents for California Companies

i-Loan PRO
Same features and benefits as in i-Loan, but with the greater benefit for adding own drafted loan documents and modifying any of the built-in loan documents in i-Loan with merge fields insertion for data. The user created documents become part of the loan documents printing menu. It is a one-time setup for any new user custom documents that are readily available to be used for any loan.

Add-On Loan Documents

Construction Loan Documents
HELOCs, Home Equity Line of Credit Loan Documents
California CFL Documents

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